
Psychic Guru does not assess or ensure the success of any responses, recommendations, or services provided on the Site. Psychic Guru offers its website and services “as is” and without any guarantees. Regarding the website and any services, Psychic Guru expressly disclaims any guarantee, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or for failure to perform.

The site of the verification of the services or the services themselves are not guaranteed to be free of bias, flaws, faults, eavesdropping, or listening by Psychic Guru. The accuracy of the data or the validity of the services or information provided on the website are not the responsibility of Psychic Guru.

You agree to the terms and conditions of this Disclaimer by using this website. You acknowledge that you utilize any such information, suggestions, or services at your own risk and that Psychic Guru is not liable for any harm or loss you may sustain as a result of relying on such information.

By asking a question on this website(www.psychicguru.co.za), you acknowledge and expressly agree that Psychic Guru is not liable for any response or information you receive or do not receive, and you expressly agree to hold Psychic Guru harmless from any loss, harm, injury, or damage of any kind that may arise from or be related to your asking the question or from your using or relying on any response thereto.

Please Note: The majority of spell casting and psychic skills are activities that are passed down through generations through a tradition. As a result, they are not scientifically validated, and outcomes may change depending on the person or circumstance. The same spell may also materialize or function in several ways, having varying effects on the lives of those it affects.

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Please note that the Services provides are based on psychic abilities and traditional healing. It is not an exact science. As such results may vary. Use the Services at your sole discretion. Please note that there a lot of situations in life that are beyond the realm of our powers.The supernatural works in mysterious ways many times beyond human understanding. We do not claim to be an ultimate authority that can and will change the destiny of your life.

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Satisfaction Guarantee: We have a cash back policy where you can request a refund if you’re not happy with the services offered to you…

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